Syosset Fire
League: MYT
Division: Buck Ewing Division
Team Initials: SF
Micro Manager:
Owner Name: Gil Palladino
All Time Record: 1930 - 1933, 98-118, .454 (Playoffs: 5-5, .500)
Contract Status: 0/130 Total Years (0 Long Term / 0 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
5+ Years In League 1930 NL Quarter Finals Winner 1930 Inaugural Member  

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1932.2    2022-03-08    Syosset Fire trades Babe Ruth to the Little Pink Machine for Babe Herman and Ernie Lombardi.   
1931.2    2022-01-09    Syosset Fire trades Joe Vosmik to the Philadelphia Freedom for Leo Durocher.   
1930.1    2021-05-22    Syosset Fire trades Bing Miller to the Red Bear Ironclaws for George Rensa.   
