Baltimore Black Sox
League: MYT
Division: Cap Anson Division
Team Initials: BBS
Micro Manager: Cap Spalding
Owner Name: Joe Summers
All Time Record: 1930 - Current, 384-276, .582 (Playoffs: 31-31, .500)
Contract Status: 100/130 Total Years (90 Long Term / 10 Short Term)
Trophy Case: 
5+ Years In League 1930 Inaugural Member   1931 AL LCS Winner 1932 World Series Champion 1932 AL LCS Winner 1933 World Series Champion 1933 AL LCS Winner 1934 AL Quarter Finals Winner

Trade History
Trans Num Trade Date Details
1938    2024-03-06    Baltimore Black Sox trades BBS 1939 #3 to the Boston Harbor Blue Jackets for Al Lopez and Don Padgett.   
1938    2024-02-29    Baltimore Black Sox trades BBS 1938 #3 to the Little Pink Machine for Pinky Higgins.   
1931.1    2021-12-26    Baltimore Black Sox trades Billy Rogell and BBS 1932 #3 to the Texas Boxcars for Tony Cuccinello.   
